A love letter to my elevated heart rate
As I sit at the RTO (Regional Transport Office) to pass my driver's license, I wonder, what am I feeling nervous about? Actually it isn't...

Learning from every situation? What kind of learning?
"You can grow and learn from anything that happens to you." My tendency has been to take this statement and apply it literally, like...

Failing Elegantly
Resting isn’t quitting, quitting isn’t failure, failure is hardly ever fatal. I remind myself that tired doesn’t mean incompetent or...

When a Wave Comes Go Deep
When I was little we used to go to the local beach which was mostly quite rough for us to swim in, but we loved it anyway. We would go in...

What am I yearning for?
Sometimes my longing for a deeper connection with myself presents itself as a longing for someone else. The only way to know for sure is...

Making marks on paper to investigate the "lone wolf" within.
Being hyper-independent can be a trauma response. When the day has been rough, and I choose to go home alone, spend my time by myself and...

Saying no to forceful positive thinking yet recognizing glimmers when they come.
'Glimmers' have become a way to describe the windows of regulation, hope, and freedom that come up during the healing process. They can...